
- Principle -

UV curing is a photochemical reaction to cure or dry inks, adhesives or coatings using high-intensity UV-A light. Liquid formulations contain a mix of monomer and oligomer and photoinitiators. These photoinitators are activated by the UV light to link monomers & oligomers together and create a corresponding network of polymers. The formulation is then almost instantly cured or hardened in a short period of time.

UV LED lighting systems in the UV-A range (365-405nm, depending on the chemistry) are widely used for high-speed curing processes thanks to great intensity and electrical efficiency. Precise, compact & innovative LED lightings often replace old, huge & energy-consuming thermal curing or mercury lamps in a wide range of industrial processes.

UV Curing Process in Action

Diagram: How UV Curing Works.

- Example of Applications -

  • High-precision bonding processes in Photonics ➞ Spots
  • Point-of-sale displays assembly ➞ Floods/Lines
  • Screen-printing processes in Cosmetics ➞ Lines
  • R&D and small-Production curing works ➞ Chamber
  • New idea/project of UV curing application?


- Select your Product -

> Curing Solutions